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just downloaded this and i was going to test it with OBS but it doesn't seem to wanna show up? does the tablet need to be connected for it to show up as a capture on obs? i managed to get it into game capture but its completely blank and shows nothing? please help ><;;

How do you have OBS set up?

The  colors for my png model has green too similar to the background  is there a way to change the background color when using the arm in obs?

I don't know if it's already been mentioned but will there ever be a left-hand toggle or did I overlook it entirely? I can't help but feel a little disoriented when I look at the right-hand on my screen vs my irl left-hand. 

try flipping the source in your stream software to make a left handed version :3

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cool idea but i could not get it to work, it doesnt read mouse movement unless the window is currently focused (which i cant since im using an art program that require me to be focused on it) AND its within the windows borders
Would have been better if it could read mouse position from anywhere and didnt require focus

Hey there!, just to leave a little love, this program is amazing!.

I was having problems mapping out the movement of a Wacom tablet over Brave and Obsidian window. If you have the same issue just turn off the "Use Windows Ink" on your Wacom mapping settings and reconfigure the pressure sensitivity of your programs if you would like to keep it.

For example:
In the Photoshop settings folder create a new .txt file called 'PSUserConfig' with the following command 'UseSystemStylus 0' and it will work fine 🔥

You can also create a new Wacom settings profile with Windows Ink off to use it on those cases.

Fresh out the box, nothing has been edited or changed in the .ini or on the hand artwork.

Having issue with getting the cursor to line up with the pen tip when I'm on a different program and the readme doesn't have any information about that as far as I can understand it. Any advice on troubleshooting would be very appreciated

Anyway to make the arm using Clip Studio? i don't like or trust adobe so i don't wanna spend money on Photoshop


you can open .psd files with clip studio

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Thanks to your broken program, I’ve lost my entire VTuber model along with countless .MDP designs i poured hours into It’s beyond frustrating how this software, without any warning or consent, redirected my files into some program folder ''override'' I never asked for now, everything is gone because of this glitch.

To all VTubers and artists out there, be extremely cautious—this disaster could happen to you too.


bro never heard of backups 💀

Good morning ! I have a big problem, having green on my assets the green background does not fit, and I always have a small outline otherwise my elements start to disappear, do you have a solution?

I wanted to spice up my art streams with the pen tracking and this looked promising! However even though it correctly tracks my cursor in the program, it stops tracking it once I enter my drawing programs and the cursor is in narnia :( I'll still use the tablet option but I was really looking forward to using the arm. ( I didn't change any of the settings I only used the template that was given and added a sleeve)

you'll need to go into settings to adjust the pixel offset. There's a bit of trial and error but you can eventually get it correct


oh, if i'm not mistaken it's probably because you cropped in the drawing screen, so they aren't aligned anymore! resizing/cropping the source for the arm tracker to match the art program source should fix that i think!

Não está funcionando no Affinty Designer, ele só reconhece quando eu uso o mouse, se eu uso o tablet ele não reconhece essa área, alguém sabe como resolver?

Não tenho certeza mas acho que isso pode ser problema do Windows Ink.


hey, just wanted to say, I’ve used this for years now and it works lovely - always make sure to tell folks where I got it, thanks!


I wanna quickly give some advice to anyone who uses Aseprite and a screen tablet like XP Pen (XP Pen 13.3 pro in my case), but before I do I just wanna say that this software is lovely and that it can help add so much more personality to someone's streams, it's helped with mine so far.

Now, if you're like me you might've noticed that for some odd reason the arm portion will sometimes stop tracking Aseprite movements when using the tablet but not for the mouse. If you're specifically in the Spud Arm screen itself it will track with the tablet, but swapping over to certain software while using the tablet will cause it to stop tracking. It took me a bit to figure out how to get around it, but for using Aseprite, I recommend turning off the "Windows Ink" mode for the Tablet. For some reason beyond my limited understanding (I'm a pixel artist, not a programmer, so this stuff's beyond me), Windows Ink, Aseprite, and the Spud Arm don't all like to play nice with each other all at the same time. The 'Ink' mode doesn't seem to interfere with any other art program's 'spud compatibility' to my knowledge (Procreate seemed to work just fine with it), but Aseprite seems to throw a fit with it. Thankfully though, pen pressure isn't really important for Aseprite (if it's even used at all), so you're fine to turn it off.

Basically for all my fellow Aseprite users with Tablet Screens:
Try turning off Windows Ink mode.
It might help ya out.

question sorry! when i open the tablet up in obs i just get the green background with it? how can i just have the tablet? i tried doing the transparency little thing in obs but its not working :(


Great little program!  I just wish there was a way to limit the degree to which the tablet hand projects left to right, since when I move my hand all the way to the right (I'm left-handed) it looks like my arm snapped off lol.


Thank you for making this tool. It has been incredibly helpful. I used to spend a lot of time making a tool like that, but the results weren't quite satisfactory. I truly appreciate!!

Hey, I need some help, please! Since the customized hand/tablet is placed, the mouse tracker cannot keep up with the mouse exactly where it is

Thank you for this masterpiece! 

Hey, I need some help, please! Ever since I put in custom hand/tablet, the mouse tracker never properly follows exactly where the mouse is. It's always too high or too low, and I've tried readjusting the tablet settings many times but to no avail. Now, it's just made it WORSE because now the arm disconnects and moves all over the screen to follow the mouse instead of the hand, and the wrist is far off the hand-to-arm joint. Not sure how to fix this...

não sei se é o só o meu… Mas…

Não sei por que, parece que fica travando e gargalando, isso é normal?


Is it possible to change from right hand to left hand?

Because I am left handed and I need to somehow to do it.

i dont think i will use a vtuber system, ¡but this is very cool!


I could use some help ^^"

I have been able to change the hand sprite without issue but i cannot make the window go full screen. I don,t have that option, the maximize button is greyed out. 
I'm running windows 10 and I do have a two screen setup because i have a screen tablet if that changes anything.


nvm i understand after looking at the pics of the app. I have to maximize the other view for it to work.

It works great! Thank you!

i feel stupid but i figure I'll leave my post up in case someone else has a case of the dumb dumbs

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how do i add the avatar thing like you did?

Occasionally in OBS, the tablet changes to the big hand 

how do i fix that lmao

Hey, whenever I try to draw (I use a Wacom-One) the hand freezes up, which isnt really ideal, is there any way to fix this?

I noticed this to, but im using it on my macbook so its also not optimal for me. 

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No matter how I change the chroma key, the overlays appear mostly transparent on my stream. Is there a way to fix this? It shows correctly in the chroma key filter setting in OBS but then on the actual stream it's transparent. 

**fixed  I switched OBS to set the color key to magenta and made it the same in the settings note doc


Hello! Is there a way to only open the hand version window? i  had a tablet && hand rigged on my live2d model already so I want to use this solely for the larger over the screen arm but I seem to not be able to close just ONE of the windows without it automatically closing the other.

Thanks you very much for this program! I'm having a lot of fun with it ^^

i ve some trouble with my custom model , when i override my models always get those white marks on the wrist , i need help with that idk what's the problem.

I did have that problem too and easily solved it by adding a small blur at the join ;)


Hey I've been struggling with it flashing on OBS - has this been solved?


Was having this problem too, but found a way to fix it. Originally I was using a "game capture" type source to have the arm on screen but after swapping to a "window capture" type source it seems to have fixed itself.

hello ! their is any update for left hand?


I think you can just flip it in the streaming program.

I don't think so it will still work as well because when u draw something on left, the hand will be on right :/

exactly, when I just flip the mouse tracker is in the wrong way. and if I flip the picture, its really cursed x'D


can anyone help? my window doesnt go full screen, and on twitch studio the hand doesnt show up at all, what can i do? thanks

  1. U can't make it fullscreen, but u can maximize the window
  2. Make sure the window with the hand is on the top and one layer behind the tablet window

You're welcome!


is it at all possible to change the pen tip pixel position for the tablet hand, not the big hand. like say i wanted to make a big feather quill pen, how would i get extra vertical space


For those who want macOS support you'll need Crossover to run the exe. It runs perfectly fine and hasn o lag what so ever. 


how do you use it in ipad?

Hello there,

There is an issue with this plugin and an App called Sketchbook Pro. When I use this app with eith of these tools both the Spud tablet and Spud Arm freeze on the screen while a stylus is in use. It's the only app currently that just just freezes both until I raise my hand off the screen.

I'm using a Cintiq Pro 32. Works perfectly with every software but this Sketchbook Pro Software.

I sure hope you can fix this.

I think it can be something with acceleration... try searching in settings for acceleration and turn it off. maybe that's the problem :|


is there a way to not only sorta distort the tablet area but to also move the hand/arm actually infront of the tablet instead?

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